World Voyager

1 Opiniones | 662° lugar fuera de 717
  • Astillero WestSEA Shipyard (Viana do Castelo, Portugal)
  • Año 2020
  • Longitud 126,00 m
  • Ancho 19,00 m
  • Tonelaje 9.934 gt
  • Puentes Pasajeros 6
  • Cabinas 86
  • Pasajeros 200
  • Tripulación 125
  • Relación de Tripulación/Pasejeros 1 : 1,60
  • Moneda USD
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Bandera

World Voyager, un barco que entró en servicio en 2020, pertenece a una nueva clase de barcos con un número limitado de pasajeros y dedicados a los cruceros de expedición, no solo en zonas como el Ártico o la Antártida sino también entre las bellezas menos conocidas del Mediterráneo, Oriente y continente americano.
El estilo de a bordo es elegante pero muy moderno, con ambientes relajantes y acogedores. Dispone de todo el equipamiento necesario para visitar los lugares más remotos del planeta y disfrutar de la navegación incluso en condiciones extremas.
Gabriele Bassi

86,59 Calificación global
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Emily w @EmilyW Contributor (5) 01/07/2024

Fantastic cruise

Me gustó

No me gustó


Fantastic cruise. The ship is very beautiful, very well designed and furnished. The boarding experience was smooth and fast and the welcome party was pleasant. The crew were for the most part very friendly, helpful and enjoyable to interact with. The drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) were mediocre for my taste. The food was good and varied in all the restaurants. The food in the main restaurant also had many vegetarian/vegan dishes. The poolside grill restaurant on deck 7 was exceptional (one of the best meals on the ship: hot dogs and/or hamburgers with fries). We really enjoyed the Asian menu, all thanks to expert chefs who season and flavor the food appropriately. The visits and cultural excursions were pleasant and well organised, the conferences on board were also very interesting and allowed us to get a 360 degree understanding of the destinations visited. Overall I would recommend Atlas Voyager, the crew are committed to providing a good experience.

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